Linda Rose- 00:00-06:00 GMT

Believe it or not, my entire youth was spent playing and studying classical piano – I had a demanding European instructor from the age of 7 and envisioned I would become a great pianist, performing on the world stage someday. Little did I know that gazillions of other, and better, pianists all over the world had the same dream! And that only a handful can make a career out of it. I went on to get a degree in classical piano, but had a reality check in college that a performance career was unlikely. Providence intervened.

Pop radio caught my ear and I thought a career on air would be great fun. (Maybe a subconscious rebellion again all those years of serious music study?). I started hosting a classical show on a NPR affiliate in Pittsburgh, then boldly and confidently (as only youth can do) applied for a job at the largest and most successful rock station in Pittsburgh. To my surprise, I got a part-time on-air job there and stayed 11 years. What a great experience!

Eventually, I attended law school and with a law degree in hand, headed to Washington, DC, landing a law job and a part-time radio gig at the same time. Been doing both ever since. Talk about variety!

For fun, my husband and I love opera, chamber music and symphonic music and attend many events the Washington scene offers. Of course, I love the variety of music that WorldSpace offers, as well. And unlike JB, I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen. Both of my parents were Italian and great chefs, so I had hard acts to follow! I’ll let my husband and dinner guests tell you whether I can live up to their reputations.