Mike Kaufman - 14:00-18:00 GMT

Hello! It's your buddy Mike Kaufman, with a few things I think you should know about me. First off, contrary to what you might have heard, I now wear pants when I’m on the air. I experimented without them for a while, and it's true that I am comfortable performing "pantless." However, in the wake of various complaints from co-workers and a terse letter from the Board of Health...I remain a fully dressed DJ.

Now, seriously, what do you really need to know about me? Basically that broadcasting my global radio shows on the WorldSpace Satellite Radio Network is the most fun I’ve ever had! Every day I get to play great music and visit with a worldwide audience. It’s wonderful! You can hear me on Radio Voyager (11) and also on UPOP (29), where I perform under the name "The K-MAN." It would be redundant to go by "Mike Kaufman" on both channels, so call me "Mike" on Voyager, and "K-MAN" on UPOP. I heard that some of you thought I was saying "caveman" when you first started listening to me. That's funny…but let me assure you...despite the fact that I carry a wooden club, lived in a cave in the early 90's, and completely enjoy loincloths...I am not a real caveman. In fact, I'm probably just like you.

I love music, movies, sports, good food, and traveling with my vacation time. My favorite musician on this planet is Peter Gabriel. (I have not researched other planets...yet.) I've seen him live 4 times, and I own everything he's ever recorded. My DVD collection is constantly growing, and I appreciate films of all kinds…from classics like "The Godfather" and "Manhattan," to more recent favorites like "Forrest Gump," "Memento," and "Million Dollar Baby." When it comes to professional sports, I love American football. Living in Washington, DC, you must love the Redskins! If you don't, you are tied to a raft with no food and set afloat along the Potomac River. Trust me; it's just safer to love them. My wife and I have season tickets to see the 'Skins play, and nothing beats the live action. She and I also like to stay home and follow our passion for cooking. We cook together almost every night, perfecting different recipes. Perhaps you’d like to come by the house for some Osso Bucco sometime? We're currently taking reservations and our operators are standing by! On the nights we don't cook, we enjoy stopping by one of the many famous DC area restaurants (so that someone else can do the dishes for a change!) If you're ever in this area, try a couple of places called "Persimmon" and "701." They’re worth it! When it's time to put everything else aside and just relax, I travel to my favorite vacation spots. The most exotic trip I've ever taken was to the islands of Tahiti, Moorea, and Bora Bora. They truly are some of the most beautiful spots on Earth. Closer to home, I often vacation in North Carolina, which is a great place for beach lovers who really want to escape it all.

I hope this sheds some light on the man behind the voice coming out of your WorldSpace receiver. Thanks for listening, and please know that it is my absolute pleasure to talk to you everyday. If you ever feel like telling me about yourself, you can email me anytime at:


And you don't even have to be wearing pants.