Stacy Lyn - 11:00-14:00 GMT

So, you really want to know about ME??? Yes, I am a woman of mystery.....a woman that thrives on adventure.....traveling to exotic lands.....studying exotic paintings....drinking only the finest of wines.....NOT!

Let's get real here!! I am a pretty normal, goofy, 30-something chick that loves all things pop culture. I have been sucked into every silly reality show on the tube: Amazing Race, American Idol, Survivor, Rock get the idea! My favorite non-reality shows: Weeds, Entourage, Sopranos, and The Office.

If you listen regularly, you know in my sick little mind, I'm having an affair with Sting (and some days, Lenny Kravitz)....even though he doesn't know it (nor does my husband!). Oh yes, husband! His name is Tony, and he is an avid golfer, tennis player, and poker nut. We have 2 amazing little girls named Alex (who people think is adopted, because she looks nothing like me.....26 hours of labor, and this is the love I get? Ok, she is pretty darn cute, so I'll let it pass) and Sam (ok, looks like Tony, too....but I digress).

My passion is for food....I love to cook and bake, and would love to eat my way around the world someday! Speaking of world.....that's where YOU come in! I love to reach people all around the world through Voyager. Since I haven't traveled much, I kind of live vicariously through YOU. So drop me a line anytime (I beg you) and tell me about your adventures!