The DISH Recap from Friday, July 25, 2008:

Rumors are going around that 15-year-old Miley Cyrus is interested in a movie role that would involve....gasp...nudity! Yes, miles away from little innocent Hannah Montana. The movie is called Undiscovered Gyrl, based on a novel by Alyson Burnett. Of course, Miley and her peeps are squashing that rumor. She said "I'm not even allowed to SEE R-rated movies!" Smart move, girl. Now, stop taking scantily clad pics of yourself with your cellphone. I'm just sayin'!

Video Games aimed at chicks? Pretty smart move, I think. Paramount Pictures is actually turning some old chick flicks into video games. I have no clue how they will work, but the movies getting the treatment are Clueless, Mean Girls, and Pretty in Pink. Cast members from the original movies aren't expected to be part of the new video games. Bummer. No Molly Ringwald for you. They should come out sometime later this year.

So, MSN Music published a funny list this week: 10 Artists Who Should Stop Making Records. I'm not gonna bring you the whole list, but I will mention that Madonna is definitely high on their list. They say: "Her moment as a musical force has long since passed. But despite whether she's a massive influence, she feels unnecessary. And pop can be a lot of things, but never that." Ouch.

Uh-oh! Another cheatin' husband? Could it possibly be? Well, it's from Star Magazine, so consider the source. They say that Matthew Broderick is a cheatin' man. Allegedly, he met some 25 year old at a bar earlier this year, and they've been texting and seeing each other ever since. No comment from Matthew OR Sarah Jessica Parker.

Anchorman: The Sequel. Yea! Love it! It's in the works with director Adam McKay AND Will Ferrell. We hear that the sequel to The Legend of Ron Burgundy will jump ahead to the 80's. Awesome. Like, totally max.

Speaking of the 80's, New Line Cinema is resurrecting Freddy Krueger. They are looking to re-launch the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, which was started back in 1984. I was addicted to Elm Street. And, I had to sleep with my lights on. If you remember, the movie was about that murdered serial killer that terrorized teenagers in their dreams. Oh god.....starting to get the palm sweats just thinkin' about it! No word on when that will be coming out to haunt us!

And, while we're talking remaking movies...MTV is jumpin' in on the game with the Rocky Horrow Picture Show. They'll be remaking the 1975 cult classic, using the original script, but adding some new tunes to the mix. They are hoping to get it released by next Halloween.

So, last week we heard that Madonna was trying to distract the press away from all her nonsense going on, and throw them Britney and Justin. Reuniting. Awwww. Well, she's just trying to get them to perform together on her final tour stop. OK! Magazine is also adding that the 2 will be performing a duet on Britney's upcoming album, which is in the works right now.

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The DISH Recap from Friday, July 18, 2008:

Jessica Alba popped out her little baby daughter, Honor Marie earlier this month. So, of course, she's dishin' about it in this week's OK! Magazine. She says she was totally calm throughout the labor. She was quiet, relaxed, and did it WITHOUT DRUGS. She compared her peaceful labor to MEDITATION, saying it was "really zen." LIAR!!! Not buyin' it at all.

While we're all in an utter panic about the ridiculous housing market, Donald Trump is breaking records. He just sold his Palm Beach, Florida mansion to some Russian billionaire for....ready for it.....$95 MILLION. That's the highest price ever paid for a house in the United States. Holy crap. Now, back to your bologna sandwiches and trying to figure out how to pay the rent.

Madonna is ignoring all those pesky rumors about her hookin' up with Yankee Alex Rodriguez. She's got more important things to focus on. Like reuniting Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. No, she's not trying to make Jessica Beall all jealous......she wants them back together to do a duet during her final Sticky and Sweet show this November. Apparently, they've both been approached about it, but are a bit reluctant. Shocking.

Speaking of Brit Brit.....aren't you getting a bit bored with Britney being good and all? Focusing on her kids? Her well being? Blech. Well, she's putting those things on the back burner to focus on priority #1: her over produced music. Her manager says she's spending the summer in the recording studio working on her next album. No word on when the masterpiece will come out.

Eva Longoria is frumpy. There....I said it. Well, that's what they are TRYING to do to her. Frumptify her. Wow...just made up a new word and I LIKE it! She recently chopped her long hair off and has put on a few pounds for her character, Gabby, on Desperate Housewives. In the season finale, we left Wisteria Lane 5 years down the road....where Gabby was no longer the glamorous diva. Now, she's a frumpy housewife with kids, that has let herself go. Um, she still looks better than I could look any day of the week.....and maybe she's up to 100lbs. I'm just sayin'.

New reality show alert!!! Mark Burnett has created another one for us, called Jingles. Contestants will write and perform for commercials. The winner gets $100,000 and an advertising contract. Doesn't he realize a reality show isn't a reality show if they don't give away at least a million? Even Wheel of Fortune is doin' it now. Ahem, but I digress. Former American Idol contestant Kimberly Caldwell will be your host (there goes that) and Gene Simmons will serve as one of the judges (ok, could be entertaining!).

So, Jennifer Lopez is a diva. Not anything we didn't already know. She apparently is having trouble KEEPING a nanny because she expects too much out of them. Like working 16 hour days, 7 days a week, while caring for the 2 little ones. Um, welcome to my world. Anyway, that story about how her and her creepy husband, Marc Anthony would be raising the twins WITHOUT a nanny's's not because she's some hero. There you go.


The DISH Recap from Friday, July 11, 2008:

So, lot's of babies to talk about this week. Let's start with some new celebuspawns! Matthew McConaughey and his girlfriend, Camila had a baby boy. They named him Levi. Yes, like the jeans. We hear that OK! Magazine is shellin' out over $3 million for the first pics, plus the little ones first Christmas, as well. I'm going on a limb here, but I'm thinkin' Levi will follow in his Daddy's footsteps and have the pics taken without his shirt on.

Moving right along....Nicole Kidman popped out her new little one this week. They continued the trend of weird celebrity baby names, and are calling her "Sunday." Um, ok.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are still awaiting the birth of their twins in France. And, we hear they are shoppin' around to find the best magazine to post those first pics. Apparently, bidding has reached $16 million. There is a stipulation, though. The magazine that gets them must NOT refer to the couple as "Brangelina." They don't like that at all. I'm with you.

Jamie Lynn Spears and her new baby girl, Maddie are on the cover of this week's OK! Magazine. Now, she is just going on and on about how great and easy her pregnancy and labor was.....and how wonderful everything is now. Maybe your teen girls should stay away from this week's issue, you know? I'm just sayin'.

Mariah Carey is ready to be a Mom. Oh, lord. She claims she's ready to have a little one, but when she does, she's going to keep the kid out of the spotlight. Riiiiiiight. She adds: "You can get caught up in Hollywood-land or celebrity-land, and that's maybe not the best thing for kids, cause they didn't ask for it." You think?

Ok, enough of the celeb babies. How about a marriage! Yippee! Oh, but they are refuting it. Cher is not getting married to some 38 year old Hell's Angel. National Enquirer ran with that one. The story also claims they signed a $600 million pre-nup. Story: not true.

Courtney Cox is not sittin' around mourning the fact that her show Dirt got cancelled. She's actually returning to the small screen this season on 3 episodes of Scrubs. She'll play the hospital's new Chief of Medicine. And, sorry, Friends fans. Those rumors going around this week about a big screen Friends movie are not true.

John Mayer has dated a lot of the Hollywood ladies. And now he's admitting some lucky fans even got a little piece of him. He says he has hooked up with fans in the past......but said, ""Not in a really long time. Not since the camera phone. The camera phone will get you, even if you're sleeping."

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The DISH Recap from Friday, June 27, 2008:

I really can't even comprehend the life that Hugh Hefner lives. I mean, can one old dude be that much of a stud? Well, he says it's not as easy as it used to be. He's 82 now and says, "I have some aches and pains and I have had lower back problems since the 80's. Too much time in bed rustling around with friends." Is that what he calls it???

All those divorce rumors still persist surrounding Madonna and Guy Ritchie. And, apparently, they will formally announce their split when her Sticky and Sweet Tour is over at the end of November.

Let's talk Sheryl Crow for a sec. You know, she was a bit of a partier back in the day. She said she used to cope with the stress of performing by downin' the Jack Daniels. Those days, though, are long gone. She says that the greatest "buzz" now is performing sober.

And, speaking of Sheryl.....she's talkin' Britney Spears now. She thinks since she battled a bunch of demons in the past, she can help poor Brit. So much so that she's thought about calling her to offer her assistance. Sheryl says she needs to get away from all the madness of LA, and would like to take her to Nashville. Um, ok.

Kinda stinks when your so-called "friends" aren't even on your side, right? Well, some of Mariah Carey's "pals" are saying that her marriage to Nick Cannon won't even reach a year. Ouch.
John Mayer wishes the paps would start taking pics of him playing guitar, instead of all the mundane stuff, like going out to dinner or picking up his dry cleaning. Said the Paparazzi: "As long as Jennifer Aniston is there, we'll do it." Ok, they didn't really say that last part, but you know it's what they're thinkin'!

You know, I wish I had, like, a million dollars just sittin' in my pocket, burnin' a hole. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie just made a hefty $1 million donation for education aid for kids impacted by the Iraq war. The money will be used for books, school supplies, and other necessities for about 5,700 children. Nice job.

Set those DVR's for Saturday night, my friends. There will be a very special Saturday Night Live, paying tribute to the late George Carlin. They will air the SNL premiere episode from back in 1975, which George Carlin hosted. We'll also get to revisit other comic greats, like John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Gilda Radner, and Andy Kaufman.

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The DISH Recap from Friday, June 20, 2008:

Just what we all need: lingerie designed by Jessica Simpson. Well, it's comin'. Add "trashy lingerie designer" to the list of "things" Jess does. She already has a line of handbags, shoes, sunglasses and swimwear. She says she thinks the best part about lingerie is you can feel sexy or girly depending on your mood. Or skanky. Well, she didn't really say that last part....but you know what I'm sayin', right? Her new line will be called Jessica Simpson's Intimates. Don't know when it's coming out.

Britney Spears, a size 14? Puh-lease. According to one tabloid, she was up there, and then decided to follow Victoria Beckham's diet plan. She is allowed to eat only steamed fish, edamame, goji berry juice, and seaweed shakes. Yummy. They say she's now down to a size 10. Um, yea. Speaking of Brit, OK! Magazine says she may be up for an Emmy. Huh? Yea, remember her little stint on How I Met Your Mother? She was adequate, at best. Well, she is in the running, along with about 40 other actresses to become a nominee. Only 5 will be chosen to compete for the honor at this September's Emmy Awards.

Trainwreck alert! Celebrity Family Feud is coming to NBC on July 1st! Oh, it's bad, my friends: Peter Brady, aka Christopher Knight, his wife, Adrienne Curry and their fam will do battle against American Chopper's Teutal family. The family of Margaret Cho will go against Corbin Bernsens's fam. Another battle is Ice T's clan vs. Joan and Melissa River's. Oh, dear God. One battle that actually could be fun: the crew of the Office vs. the cast of American Gladiators. Go Steve Carell!

You know, for my birthday, my husband usually treats me to some sort of spa service.....I might get hooked up with a new sweater or something.....nice, right? Wanna know what David Beckham got Victoria recently for her birthday? Um, a winery in Napa Valley. New sweater/Napa Winery? Hmmm..... He says there is an ulterior motive behind it, though. He thinks she needs to find something to do other than shopping and parties.

This story sounds so silly and unlikely, but it's MSNBC reporting it....not like, The, ok. They say that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt could not agree on a design for the twins' nursery, so they decided to consult a psychic for help! The job of said psychic was to determine the "vibe of the twins" in Angelina's belly. Yea, right. Not sure what that even means.

Let's talk country crossover artists for a sec. Carrie Underwood latest song, "Last Name" has hit the number one spot on the country charts. Why is this a big deal? Well, it's her 7th consecutive #1 single.....that makes her the only country artist EVER to have their first seven tunes all top the charts. Nice job.

And, finally, keeping with the country crossover theme.....Taylor Swift will be cohosting MTV's TRL next week for 4 straight days! She'll be on Monday through Thursday, and she'll perform a few of her tunes, as well. MTV has never really embraced the country artists, so it's a first for them. Also, they are doing a special called "Once Upon a Prom," that'll have Taylor pickin' a geeky prom date. Set your DVR's for Saturday, June 21st for that one. Lucky guy.


The DISH Recap from Friday, June 6, 2008:

The paparazzi have been swarming Mommy-to-be, Jamie Lynn Spears. Now, if this happened in LA or New York, it's be just a normal day. However, Jamie Lynn is in Mississippi. And, the cops in Mississippi aren't having it! They arrested a pap on charges of stalking Jamie Lynn and her baby daddy, Casey. He posted bond will be in court sometime next week. Tori Spelling's mom, Candy Spelling is SO LUCKY. She's worth, like, a zillion dollars already.....but just hit big on the slots in Vegas, baby. She was at the Bellagio and walked away with $180,000 on a $1000 a pull slot. Geez. Let's put that in perspective for us normal folks....$180,000 to her is like $10 to us. Yea. But, check this out: it's not the first time she's won big on the slots at the Bellagio. Last year, she walked away with $200,000. Why is it that the rich just keep gettin' richer, while I scrounge up the change in my couch for a burger? Seriously.

We've talked before about the possibility of an Anchorman sequel. Love it. Well, it's happenin'. Will Ferrell and Adam McKay are working on getting the whole cast back together. Steve Carell is definitely on board. He said he'd do it in a second....adding that it was "one of the most fun things I've ever done. I laughed until I cried, every day on that movie." Sweet!

Speaking of movies, Sony Pictures is working on a new "Green Hornet" movie. Here's the strange part: it's going to be written by and starring Seth Rogen! So, it's gotta be partially a comedy, right? Seth Rogen does good comedy (hello, Superbad?), well, he really doesn't have that "superhero" bod!! They hope to have it out during the summer of 2010.

Ugh, I think I've seen one too many previews for "The Love Guru" with Mike Myers. Seriously, overpromoted. Remember the American Idol finale? Yea, it wasn't funny. Anyway, he's going to over-hype it some more on a 2 hour Saturday Night Live best of special. It'll air Sunday, June 15th.

Carrie Underwood is just like you and me. Well, except she's extremely hot and wealthy. Ok, she's not really like me. Maybe you. But, I digress. Anyway, Carrie has admitted that she likes to watch the trash tv JUST LIKE US! She's hooked on Grey's Anatomy and all the MTV and VH1 shows, including Rock of Love. Ugh.

There have been rumors going around for awhile that Michael Jackson may do a bunch of Vegas Celine Dion and Elton have done. And, check this out: if that does pan out, his sis, Janet Jackson says she'd be up for opening for him! Definitely something to see!

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The DISH Recap from Friday, May 30, 2008:

When Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz rushed to the alter recently, everyone speculated that she was knocked up. They denied, denied, denied. Of course, now we hear it IS true. Come on, people, even though they are semi-celebs, can't they wait to tell everyone the news after the first trimester ends? That's pretty much what most people do. So, congrats to them. Oh, and Ashlee announced she is going to take her new husband's name, so she'll be Ashlee Wentz, in her personal life, at least. Professionally, she'll go by Ashlee Simpson-Wentz. Thrilling, I know.

Attention George Clooney fans! He is single. Please form a line to my left. George and his girlfriend of a year, Sarah Larson have decided to split. They apparently have different backrounds and little in common, so they called it quits. I'm sure she has crawled into a hole somewhere, in the fetal position, crying.

Are they together or aren't they? Does anyone really care? Well, it's my job to pass it along to you......looks like Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo ARE back on. He has laid down some rules this time around, though. Apparently, Jessica's father, Joe, has to leave them alone and seriously back off for them to stay together. Joe Simpson? Interfering? Noooooo......

Oh, god bless VH1. They've got a whole summer schedule of trainwreck reality shows lined up for us! Here's a sneak peak at the new mess of shows, as quoted from VH1's press release: "Brooke Knows Best, which follows Brooke Hogan as she moves to Miami to be free from the control of her father; I Love Money, in which contestants from Rock of Love, I Love New York and Flavor of Love, compete to win $250,000; I Want to Work for Diddy, in which contestants compete for a chance to be Diddy's assistant; Luke's Parental Advisory, which follows 2 Live Crew's Luther "Luke" Campbell in his daily life as a father, CEO and faithful fiancé; New York Goes to Hollywood, which follows Tiffany "New York" Pollard as she moves to LA to try and make it as an actress; The Cho Show, a reality show starring comedian Margaret Cho and Glam God with Vivica A. Fox, which searches for the next great celebrity stylist." Excellent!

Hey....remember Simple Minds? Well, they are reuniting. Frontman Jim Kerr said he believed the day would come that the original lineup would get back together and get to reunite. He said they have at least two new tracks ready to get out by the end of the year. has all your updates. Don't you forget about them. Sorry, couldn't resist.

I've said it a million times, it seems. The well of creativity in Hollywood has dried up. In the last few years, we've gotten new installments of Indiana Jones, Rambo, Die Hard, Rocky.....too many to list here. Now, Axel Foley is coming back! Yes, Brett Ratner is in negotiations to do a new Beverly Hills Cop. This will be the fourth....the last one came out back in '94. Eddie Murphy is apparently on board. Is Hollywood really that hard up for new inspiration?

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The DISH Recap from Friday, May 23, 2008:

So, did you hear that Steven Tyler checked himself into rehab this week? He's seeking treatment for substance abuse. Now, here's where it gets weird. He's at the same facility where they film "Celebrity Rehab" with Dr. Drew. Ya think he's gonna be on the show?

Oh, dear god......this makes no sense at all. VH1 loves the fame seekin' nutjobs, don't they? And, they are taking those crazies and helping them to become more "sophisticated." They're producing another "Charm School," and this time, it'll feature the rejects from the first 2 seasons of "Rock of Love with Brett Michaels." Ok, I didn't watch this reality show....I KNOW....a reality show I steered clear of.....SO, explain to me why they had to do 2 seasons to begin with!!! Anyway, the lady with all the class that will help teach these lovely ladies some class: Sharon Osbourne. Um, ok.

Remember when Victoria Beckham made a guest appearance on Ugly Betty this season? Well, the fans loved her and so did the producers of the show. So much so that they are having her back. In fact, they say she will be featured "quite a bit."

If you check out YouTube a lot, you may be up on the crazy Japanese gameshows. Well, another one will be making its way to our tvs soon. It's called "Hole in the Wall." Here's the weird premise for you: The contestants are on a stage with a pool of water behind them. In front of them is this soft wall that has holes in it in various weird shapes. The wall actually moves towards them. They need to contort their body in such a way that they can fit through the strange shaped holes without touching. If they're hit by the wall, they go into the water and they're out. Sound like a good enough trainwreck for ya? Expect it on Fox's schedule sometime next year.

Seems like they are up to, like, 5000, in the "Now That's What I Call Music" franchise, doesn't it? Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. It's volume 28, my friends, and it comes out June 3rd. Lots of cool artists on this one: Leona Lewis, Jordin Sparks, Colbie Caillat, Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy, John Mayer, Daughtry....and, oh yea, Britney Spears. Maybe they're not all "cool." Scandal hits Shania Twain's marriage to Mutt Lange! Dude is cheatin' on her with the longtime secretary and manager of their Swiss chateau. Well, that's what the rumor is, anyway. His people claim they just grew apart.

Jessica Alba apparently didn't want to pop out her baby without being married first. So, she got hitched this week to the baby daddy, Cash Warren. That's all.

The guy who created the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync is headin' to jail. Lou Perlman has been sentenced to 25 years for conning thousands of people out of their life savings. Scumbag! The judge wasn't too keen on being nice to Ronny, saying that many of the people he conned had lost their entire life savings! He gave him the max sentence for crimes that include: money laundering, presenting a false bankruptcy claim, and conspiracy. The judge said he will reduce the sentence by one month for every million dollars returned. Oh, by the way.....he owes about $300 mil.

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The DISH Recap from Friday, May 16, 2008:

We've been hearing so much specuation for months now that Angelina Jolie is carrying twins in her belly. Well, straight from her mouth, it is true! It's gonna be like The Brady Bunch in the Brad and Angelina household......I can see it now....complete with potato sack races and a singing group called the Silver Platters. As to the sex of the twins, THAT, she says, she would like to keep private.

More sightings of the new Hollywood couple du jour, Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer. She was apparently backstage at one of his concerts, snappin' pics of him prior to his show. Friends of John say, however, that he isn't as serious about her as she is about him. He categorized their relationship as a "summer fling, for now." And, by "friends," I DON'T mean Monica, Ross, Phoebe, etc.

Madonna is pullin' an Oprah. She'll be opening a multi million dollar school for girls in Malawi. She hopes to get the building process started this year.

Did you see Superbad? Funny movie. Childish? Yes. But, funny. Johah Hill from Superbad is in talks to bring back an old school fave from the 80's: 21 Jump Street. If you grew up in the 80's, you of course remember the cop show that gave Johnny Depp his start. Jonah is only on board to write the screenplay and executive produce right now. No work yet if he'll also star.

Latest actor turning to the world of music? Joaquin Phoenix. Yes, Joaquin learned to play the guitar when he played Johhny Cash in Walk The Line. Now, he says he's inspired and has got the music bug. So, he's workin' on an album now. No word on a release date.
No, Mariah Carey isn't preggo yet. But, that hasn't stopped her from contacting a very foo foo baby store in LA to get ideas about a baby nursery. Because the nursery needs to be pimped out. Right.

And, finally, Melissa Etheridge is workin' on a Christmas album. Not just your ordinary holiday album, though. This one will be religion-free. She says it will include both original songs and holiday classics, but with altered lyrics to the traditional Christmas carols . . . to, quote, "give them new spiritual meaning." She says the album "rocks," too. It should be out sometime this fall.

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The DISH Recap from Friday, May 9, 2008:

Seriously, can Ryan Seacrest just take over the world now please? He's on his way. Maybe a Seacrest/McCain campaign can start? He is in serious talks to take over for Larry King Live sometime by the end of the year! His peeps will not comment on the vaildity of the story.
One online gossip site is reporting that Ashlee Simpson is "100% pregnant" and plans to marry Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy next week somewhere near LA. Apparently, the invites have been mailed out, and the wedding is going down on May 16th.

We've been hearing for awhile now that Angelina Jolie is preggo with twins. Now we hear it's twin GIRLS in her belly. What, were the tabs in the sonogram room? What we DO know is that they're in France . . . where Angelina plans to give birth in July. 2 more girls? That would totally ruin the symmetry in their fam. Quick! Go adopt another boy, asap!

Yes, Mariah Carey is a married woman. Not only did she web Nick Cannon, but she got herself some fresh, new ink: "Mrs. Cannon" is tattooed on her back. She supposedly got it BEFORE last Wednesday's wedding in the Bahamas.

So, former "Bachelor" Andy Baldwin was actually dating Donald Trump's ex, Marla Maples. That's some cougar huntin' there! (Oops, did I say that out loud?) Anyway, they have (shockingly) broken up. He recently took a job for the Navy in D.C., and the long-distance thing wasn't working.

It's been about 3 years since the movie The Wedding Crashers hit the theatres....and a remake is already in the works! Ok, not in the India! Yea! The Wedding Crashers, Bollywood style. Fun! Apparently, some of the biggest names in Bollywood are interested in the project. No release date has been set.

Sheryl Crow introduced Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer to each other, and they apparently dig each other. Lots. So much so that there is a rumor that John has had flowers sent to her on her latest movie set daily. Another rumor for you? There have been reports of John hangin' out with Adam Levine from Maroon 5....and he's apparently all over some other blond chick. Ok.

Madonna is set to sell one of her many homes. This one is their country estate in England. It's on the market for $24 million. Holy schnikeys! It has 8 bedrooms, a huge kitchen and....wait for it....male and female gyms. Huh?

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The DISH Recap from Friday, May 2, 2008:

Just what the Spears' family needs! Another girl to continue the skanky family tradition. Oops.....did I just say that out loud? Sorry, that was extremely catty (but warranted, don't you think?) Word has it that Jamie Lynn is expecting a girl. She is due June 29th.

Have you checked out the pics of the massive rock Mariah Carey is sportin'? She might be getting set to walk down the aisle with her boyfriend, Nick Cannon. The ring is 17 carats and cost $2.5 mil. Other reports are saying that it's the same ring he gave to his previous finance....and that it was re-gifted. Um, it's 17 carats. Who cares?

Ashlee Simpson needs to improve her record sales. My suggestion? Learn to sing better. Her Dad's suggestion? A reality show! Yes! Joe Simpson is pimpin' his daughter....Ashlee this time.....for a new show that will follow her and her fiance, Fallout Boy's Pete Wentz, around. Ugh. Worked out great for sis, Jess, didn't it?

Speaking of Pete Wentz: he's being sued for assault. The incident apparently went down in Chicago last year at one of their shows. This dude, Andy Kallas claims that Pete, along with his security team, beat him up and he suffered "serious injuries to his head, face, and mouth." Andy says the attack was totally unprovoked. Let me get this straight.....Pete and his security just "decided" to beat a random guy up for no reason? Um, ok. The guy is suing both Pete and the venue that the incident took place in, for unspecified damages for pain and suffering, medical bills and lost wages....and says he's still emotionally traumatized.

Well, well....looks like we have a new celeb couple to obsess over. Sheryl Crow has set up her two friends: Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer. They apparently are an item now, spending a romantic, cozy weekend in Miami recently. Lots of paparazzi photos of them gettin' all schmoopy online.

I really hope this National Enquirer story is NOT true, because it's really sad and insane. They're reporting that the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, 15 year old Bobbi Kristina, tried to cut her Mom with a razor blade, and then slashed her own wrists! She's apparently in a psych ward now following the suicide attempt. They say the motive was that she didn't want to live with Whitney. Oy.

"OK!" magazine says that BON JOVI guitarist RICHIE SAMBORA will take over for Poison's Brett Michaels on the third season of "Rock of Love". Nice career move.

Headline reads: Top 20 Ugliest People in Music. Well, that's nice. I think you can pretty much guess who tops the list. Amy Winehouse. She is pretty fug, isn't she? Some notables from the list for you . . .


You can check out all 20 of the uglies on

Cher has revealed that she had a "fling" with.....wait for it.....TOM CRUISE. Weird! This apparent "fling" happened when Tom was 23 and was out "Cougar-hunting" and found then 39 year old, Cher. Ok, he really wasn't out "Cougar-hunting," that was just my take on it. Cher claims the affair lasted several months, but ended when Tom met Mimi Rogers....who became his first ex-wife.

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