Rob McLean - 00:00-06:00 GMT

I'm Rob McLean. I'm from New York. People think most folks from New York are gruff and mean.....but I'm not!

I first developed an interest in being on the radio when I was a little kid listening to Dan Ingram on WABC in New York City. I always loved Dan's style. Instead of ANNOUNCING, like most disc jockeys did, Dan sounded very natural, like he was just talking to YOU. And he was always funny and clever. So I decided that that's what I wanted to do for a living. And I've been doing if for a pretty long time. I've worked mostly around New York and in Washington D.C. And I've played several different musical formats. For a long time I played oldies, but I got sick of that cause the songs were so OLD. And every day they got a little older.

I guess my favorite kind of music is the stuff we play on Radio Voyager. That's important to a jock. If you're sitting there all day playing music you don't like, it can be a pretty crummy job. So I'm lucky cause I like the stuff we play. And, there's always something NEW coming out.
I love comedy. I tried to be a stand up comedian for a while but it was tough cause most people weren't laughing. Hey, what do they know.

And I love most sports...well maybe not hi li too much....but sports like baseball and football. I played baseball all the way through school and wanted to be a professional baseball player but I just wasn't good enough to get that far. Those guys are better than they look on tv. And I love football because of my love of the Washington Redskins. The Skins were great around 15 years ago, and we keep waiting for them to be great again. Other than that, I always tell people that my other love is interpretive dance! But of course that's just a joke!

I've also acted in amateur theater. I think they added the word "amateur" after I got into it. That's great if you can turn into Brad Pitt or something, but otherwise it's no way to make a living. But it sure is a lot of fun.

I like going to the beach...the ocean. I love swimming in the ocean but I always worry that a shark will get me. But with my glasses off I can't really see that well so I guess I'll never see it coming. I like eating hot dogs and hamburgers and watching the Mets and reruns of Seinfeld on TV. I love pizza with pepperoni on it. I like animals a lot. And of course, I love talking about myself. I'd rather be somewhere with trees than in the city.

I really don't read too much. It hurts my piercing blue eyes. I really hate paying my taxes. I don't like loud people unless they are funny. And even then I sometimes don't like them.

I REALLY LIKE hanging out with you for six hours a day. Cause you and I like the same music and it's always fun to hang out with your friends. What a job! And the studio is air conditioned too!!